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Answers to Common Botox Questions 

Answers to Common Botox Questions 

When the term “plastic surgery” is brought up, there’s a good chance you immediately think of Botox®. There’s a good reason for that—Botox® is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world. While plastic surgeons are mainly known for using it, dental clinic Botox® is popping up in some locations as well to treat facial features like smile lines. Why see a dentist for Botox? Click here to learn more. At New Look Dental, we pride ourselves in offering multiple cosmetic treatments to help you look and feel your best, including Botox®.

However, you’ve also likely heard many differing things from how Botox works to side effects associated with it. Below we’ve dispelled fact from fiction to bring you clarity on all things Botox. 

Dental Clinic Botox– Can Botox® Affect Your Smile? 

Before we answer this, here’s a quick overview of how Botox works: 

  • Botox is a neuromodulator that works by blocking the nerve signals needed for facial muscles to contract.  
  • Once injected, Botox relaxes the muscles in the targeted areas and decreases their movement to reduce the appearance of lines or wrinkles in the area.  

As such, Botox is perfect for removing smile or frown lines around the face. In doing so you can return your youthful smile to you.  

Does Botox® Hurt? 

Like most injections, Botox is slightly painful due to the nature of the treatment. In some cases, your doctor or dentist may apply topical anesthesia (i.e. numbing cream) to numb the injection sites. However, the pain is usually minimal to non-existent since the needles used are very thin. 

Does Botox® Make Wrinkles Worse? 

No, it’s actually impossible to make wrinkles worse due to the way Botox works. To prevent your original wrinkles from showing up again you will need regular treatments, but you won’t see any new wrinkles form due to Botox.   

Pouring red wine from glass bottleWhat Should You Not Do After Botox®? 

Don’t. Touch. Your. Face. Botox treatment is sensitive post-injection and it’s important that you give it time to work before touching your face. You also shouldn’t drink alcohol or take painkillers after Botox. These substances thin the blood which can increase bruising around the injection sites. Avoid smoking any cigarettes 24-48 hours after treatment as well. Botox takes about four hours before you can get back to normal activity so keep this in mind. 

Finally, don’t lie down—Botox is set up with vertical alignment in mind and lying down can cause your face to shift in an undesirable way. If you absolutely have to lie down or go to bed, do so by lying on your back.  

How Long Until I Can Work Out After Botox®? 

Technically can work out or perform physical fitness or activities twenty-four hours after Botox, but waiting longer like an additional day or two isn’t a bad idea. Mainly it’s just in case you fall on your face. You wouldn’t want your face to look smushed after Botox. Wait a few days then get back into getting fit again.  

Woman holding coffee mugCan I Drink Coffee After Botox®? 

Like alcohol and pain killers, caffeine increases your risk of bruising. Therefore, as tempting as a good coffee may be, it’s best to avoid it. Other foods that are good to avoid for the same reason include those high in sugar like chocolate or candy, refined carbohydrates, and spicy foods. 

How Long Does Botox® Last? 

The answer to this will vary from person to person since everyone is different. In general, you’ll start to see noticeable results within four to five days and results that will last about four to six months. A significant length of time to capture your new look through family photos or prepare for a wedding.  

Just remember, Botox isn’t a permanent treatment, so you will need to go back for consistent treatments in order to keep wrinkles at bay. 

Does Botox® Have Side Effects? 

While they don’t happen for everyone, you may experience such side effects as bruising, swelling, redness, or tenderness around the injection site. However, these effects will usually resolve without intervention after a few days to a week. 

Hopefully, you have a clearer picture of Botox, how it’s used, and what you can and can’t do after treatment. If you want to get your youthful look back, Botox is a great choice. 



Want to improve your smile through Botox®? Book an appointment with us today to learn more by clicking here! 
